The Children’s Aid Society of SDG is proud to be a designated agency that offers quality services in both French and English. We are highly committed to the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity, as well as to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in all areas. In order to achieve this goal, we have developed an Multi-year Accessibility Plan (non accessible PDF).
TTY Service
To support telephone communication between hearing people and people who are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or those with speech disabilities, the Society uses a TTY Service called Bell Relay Service. With Bell Relay Service professionally trained operators act as intermediaries to facilitate the call. Operators are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To access the Bell Relay System for TTY to Voice, follow these steps:
- Dial 711
- The Bell Relay Operator will answer and say “Bell Canada Relay Service”, followed by “GA” (for Go Ahead)
- Type this telephone number: 613-933-229
- Type these two letters: G A
Website material
Most materials on our website can be provided in an alternate format upon request.
Please email your accessibility request at
We encourage and appreciate your feedback! If you would like to provide feedback on our customer service for persons with disabilities, please contact us via our online form.