Adoption information disclosure refers to the official release of information and records to adopted persons and birth parents.
Adopted adults and parents now have more access than ever to information on adoption cases that were finalized in Ontario. An adopted person over the age of 18 may find their original birth information - name at birth and name of one or both birth parents. A birth parent, once the child is 19 years old, may learn the name they were given at the time of their adoption.
To apply for information, visit the Search for adoption records page of the Province of Ontario’s website.
Once identifying information has been released, adopted adults and birth parents who are interested in contact can file a Contact Preference, specifying how they wish to communicate. If they prefer not to be contacted once their identifying information has been released, they can file a No Contact notice.
Adults who were adopted, birth parents, adoptive parents and birth relatives can also apply for other types of adoption information and services, which include:
- Non-identifying information
- Severe medical searches
- Placing a name on the Adoption Disclosure Register
- Copies of adoption orders
Disclosure vetoes
For adoptions prior to September 2008, adopted adults and birth parents can file a disclosure veto if they do not want their identifying information released. Disclosure vetoes do not apply to adoptions that were finalized as of September 1, 2008.
Receiving non-identifying information
If you know that the adoption was conducted by our agency and you wish to receive non-identifying information, please contact the Screening Department at 613-933-2292.
In order to process your request you will need to provide:
- A photocopy of one piece of identification, such as a birth certificate, passport, driver's license, health card, social insurance card
- Your full adopted name
- Your birth date
- Your adoptive parents' full names
- Any other birth information is also helpful, e.g., birth surname
- Birth relatives must provide the full name of the birth parent(s), your relationship to the adopted person, adoptee's birth name and date of birth, if known.